Exclusive Cigar Lounges for Connoisseurs

Once thought of as a passing fad, the continued popularity of cigars is due to the obvious success of the cigar revival of the 1990s. One could say one of the reasons for the continued popularity is the proliferation of cigar lounges that began with the revival. Cigar enthusiasts learned that sharing this interest in a social setting allowed them to connect with others who shared their love of the cigar. Today, cigar lounges are so prolific that you’ll even find luxury hotels which have made accommodations for their cigar-loving clientele, many in the form of cigar terraces. We’ve conducted our research and have put together a list of some of our favorite exclusive cigar lounges for cigar connoisseurs.

Burn by Rocky Patel, Naples, FL


Exclusive Cigar Lounges for Connoisseurs
Photo courtesy of Burn by Rocky Patel


At first glance, Burn by Rocky Patel in Naples, Florida, may not seem particularly exclusive, however, their VIP experience makes up for a little lack in exclusivity. This lounge is perfect for a group of friends, just be sure to book the VIP experience in advance. While there’s no membership fee, the club cover charges vary, and their locker rentals run from $1,500 to $2,000 per year.

The Cigar Club at the Ritz-Carlton, St. Louis, MO


Exclusive Cigar Lounges for Connoisseurs
Photo courtesy of The Cigar Club at the Ritz-Carlton


The only remaining Ritz-Carlton cigar club, The Cigar Club at the Ritz-Carlton in St. Louis, Missouri, has been able to thrive through a cloud of local anti-smoking laws. You’d never know about the restrictions on your visit, as you’d expect from the Ritz-Carlton, the club’s staff makes everyone feel right at home in Clayton, a fashionable suburb of St. Louis. Annual membership fees which include a locker rental, are $1,350 per year plus $1,000 for each additional family member. They also have a corporate membership set at $5,000 per year.

Vintage Wine & Cigars, Huntsville, AL


Exclusive Cigar Lounges for Connoisseurs
Photo courtesy of cigarsandcars.net


Boasting the only walk-in humidor in North Alabama, Vintage Wine & Cigars in Huntsville, Alabama is a family operation born from a love of good cigars. After they saw success in their cigar lounge and wine business, they expanded and added a full Cuban-inspired tapas restaurant. As exclusivity is relative, this is the most exclusive cigar lounge in the area, perhaps the region. Their blend of down-home charm and commitment to quality places them firmly on our list. No membership required.

Grand Havana Room, Beverly Hills, CA & New York, NY


Exclusive Cigar Lounges for Connoisseurs
Photo courtesy of GC Prive


Grand Havana Room’s Beverly Hills location, which opened in 1995, is considered to be the most prestigious private cigar lounge. This membership-based lounge has expanded to New York and is considered to be the grande dame of cigar clubs. With member rosters of the rich, famous, and infamous, Grand Havana Room is a place to see and be seen. The ultra-exclusive Grand Havana Room charges an initiation fee of $5,000 and their lockers are available for $275 per month, though the waiting list for a locker is six months to one year long.

The Humidor Lounge, Norwegian Cruise Line


Exclusive Cigar Lounges for Connoisseurs
Photo courtesy of Norwegian Cruise Line


This one surprised us. It turns out that Norwegian Cruise Line has become a go-to for luxury travelers looking for a different experience. Vacations offer the opportunity to indulge in the things we love, especially on a cruise – sun, sand, sailing, cocktails, fine dining, and now, cigars! Set sail, there’s no membership required, just a booking on a Norwegian Cruise Line cruise – they sail all over, so choosing an itinerary to suit your needs should be a breeze.

Our wide-ranging list of exclusive cigar lounges runs the gamut, where do you prefer to enjoy a cigar? What goes better with a cigar than whiskey? Read our article, The Best Single Malt Whiskey to choose one that’s a perfect pairing for your favorite cigar.

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Exclusive Cigar Lounges for Connoisseurs