The Do’s and Don’ts of Wedding Season

Spring and summer are prime time for weddings.  Make a great impression and be every couple’s dream wedding guest this year.  Here are some do’s and don’ts for you to keep in mind for wedding season.

Do:  RSVP Promptly


The Do’s and Don’ts of Wedding Season
Via Gianni Scognamiglio/Unsplash


Weddings involve a great deal of planning, and knowing how many guests to expect play a large part of the planning process.  Do not leave the couple guessing, or force them to ask you if you will be in attendance.  Make it a habit to respond to wedding RSVPs within one day of receiving the invitation.

Don’t: Ask to bring uninvited guests

If a “plus one” was not included on your invitation, do not feel slighted. Your hosts may be on a very tight budget and can only invite a select few people.  Feel flattered that you were one of the few to make the cut! Also, do not ask to bring your children, your parents, or your visiting best friend, unless they were included in the invitation.  Again, a great deal of thought and planning has gone into the guest list.  All you have to do is RSVP yes or no, without anything added.

Do:  Make your menu selection

Many wedding invitations include a menu selection where you can check off your meal preference for the reception.  As with the RSVP, do not leave your hosts guessing or waiting for a response.  Let them know what you would like to be served and respond promptly.

Don’t:  Ask questions that you can Google yourself


The Do’s and Don’ts of Wedding Season
Image via Ben Rosett/Unsplash

The wedding couple already is inundated with to do lists of things to get done before their big day.  Do not add to their stress by asking about parking, hotel recommendations, driving directions, etc.  Use the internet to find the answers to these questions.

Do:  Dress for the occasion

Consider the event and location, and dress accordingly.  A relaxed garden wedding will require a different outfit from a formal evening affair.  Whatever the setting, dress your best and remember that you should not wear white.  Leave that for the bride!

Don’t: Take off your shoes

Unless you are at a beach wedding, keep your shoes on.  Yes, your feet may be aching and you might be tempted to kick off your heels when you party on the dance floor, but don’t.  This is a party, but it is also a huge event in the life of the couple.  Remember that as you conduct yourself.

Do:  Select a gift from the registry

Most couples have a carefully curated registry. The items chosen will become part of their new lives together, so heed their wishes.  You may be tempted to buy something custom or one of a kind that you absolutely love, but stick with the registry if there is one.  It shows the couple that you care about them.

Don’t:  Bring the gift to the the wedding

When you select a gift from the couple’s registry, you commonly have the option to ship the present directly to their desired location.  This is both convenient for you and will help them prepare ahead of their wedding day.  If you bring the gift to the event, you create more work for the couple.  Instead of adding to what they have to take home, send the gift ahead of time.  The exception to this would be a gift of cash.  That can be included discretely in an envelope and left in the card box at the reception.

Do:  Use the hashtag


The Do’s and Don’ts of Wedding Season
Image via Siim Lukka/Unsplash


If the wedding couple has designated a hashtag for attendees to use on social media, please do so.  The use of the hashtag will help out of town guests enjoy the event remotely, and the couple will enjoy seeing all of your happy images when they check social media the next day.

Don’t:  Hold your phone the entire ceremony

Take a picture, then put your phone away.  Live in the moment and enjoy this event that has been meticulously planned for all to enjoy.  Holding up your phone is distracting and unsightly.  The couple have hired professionals to document their big day, and having images with dozens of guests holding up phones takes away from the beauty of the photos.

Do:  Stay for the cake cutting


The Do’s and Don’ts of Wedding Season
Image via Marcie Douglass/Unsplash


Some weddings and receptions can be prolonged affairs.  Relax and enjoy the party.  Stick around after the meal to celebrate with the couple, including the cake cutting ceremony.  If you really want to be a pal, get out there and dance.  If the couple has music and a dance floor, they are hoping their guests will dance.  Don’t disappoint them.

Most of these suggestions for do’s and don’ts when attending a wedding are common sense.  Did we leave anything off the list?

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The Do’s and Don’ts of Wedding Season