The world of home design has changed dramatically in the last few decades. Technological innovations have made homes greener, more efficient, and more like havens. Once unaffordable features are now standard in many homes, making it more pleasurable for home owners to stay home or even to work from home. Technological developments continue to revolutionize the way we build our homes. Here are a few examples of how technology is changing the future of home design.
Smart Homes

Smart technology, from voice activated assistants to systems that monitor your electric usage, have changed the way we live. As more products are developed, home owners are increasingly able to monitor their homes and control features in their homes from a distance. Using remote access one can adjust the heating and cooling of their home, set alarms, and much more. While at home, smart technology allows home owners to use voice activated systems to turn appliances on or off, adjust temperatures, get traffic updates, and more. The latest trend in smart home technology are devices that sense when a home owner is home to adjust settings. Smart thermostats, like the one by Honeywell, can detect when you are home or when you leave to heat or cool the home to your preferences.
3D Printing
This expanding technology has grown by leaps and bounds in the past few years. From a viable 3D printed car in 2015 to a 3D printed home in 2016, innovators are showing how to bring 3D printing technology to everyday applications. According to John Ellis, “3D printing will continue to improve and soon it will be possible for anyone to print just about anything. In the some not too distant future, I fully expect to see every house have a 3D printing room which will be used to print everyday objects like plates, cups, towels etc.”
Wireless Power

Wireless charging stations have made it possible for homeowners to cut the cord and eliminate some of the clutter that comes from wires and cords used to charge appliances. Eventually, wireless power will revolutionize home design. Imagine a home with no electrical wires! Until that time comes, we can settle for wireless charging stations for our small appliances. Companies like uBeam are working to make wireless power accessible to the general public.
uBeam creates an aura of safe, wireless energy that charges your personal devices, keeping them all in perfect orbit. We are building the energy infrastructure of the future, helping us all cut the cords once and for all.
Nanoparticle Paint
Nanoparticle paint has been called a “self cleaning” paint. Scientists at University College London shared a new paint they developed using coated titanium dioxide nano particles. The paint is extremely repellent to water and damage resistant. Oils and scratches do not harm the finish. This application could be used to create walls and surfaces in homes that are mold and mildew resistant and rarely in need of cleaning.
Being waterproof allows materials to self-clean, as water forms marble-shaped droplets that roll over the surface, acting like miniature vacuum cleaners picking up dirt, viruses and bacteria along the way,” UCL’s Yao Lu said.
Virtual Reality
Virtual reality is for much, much more than gaming. Imagine an architect walking a client around the structure they have designed. Interior designers could walk clients through rooms they have created. Immediately change wallpaper or furniture options in this virtual space. Virtual reality technology will revolutionize home design by allowing clients to truly see what their home designer has planned for them.
Are any of these developments in your present home? Which of these exciting new products are you eager to test out first? You might also enjoy our picks for the six most innovative tech products for the home.